Graylog2 - 4 Nagios Services checks

After you have all the previous setup done, please don’t forget to add additional checks to ensure graylog is always running, examples with nagios:

# file: graylog_servers_services.cfg

define service {
    host_name               GRAYLOG_HOST
    service_description     logstash_service_running
    check_command           check_service_nrpe!logstash
    use                     generic-service
    notes                   Some important notes

define service {
    host_name               GRAYLOG_HOST
    service_description     graylog-server_service_running
    check_command           check_service_nrpe!graylog-server
    use                     generic-service
    notes                   Some important notes

Roles used on Nagios server to setup these commands: