Graylog2 - 1 - with ansible


Graylog2 is an excelent log management and server, with many features and nice GUI interface to use and configure streams, inputs, alerts, searchs, dashboards, etc.

This document will explain how setup graylog2 using ansible.

This document will be base for future documents that explain how to add more customizations with other roles:


You need to know some basics from ansible, and ofcourse install ansible

Don’t be scared about it, ansible is the most simple IT automation tool and you will get benefits learing this to manage any other thing on your servers. Check also how ansible works, and get-started

Installing roles

Before starting to define the usage of our roles, we need them installed on our ansible-control-machine. As we will use this machine to actively connect and push configurations to our graylog2 server.

We will use requirements.yml file to make the installation of roles faster.

Add/create your requirements.yml file:

# graylog2 

- src: graylog2.graylog-ansible-role
  version: 2.4.0

# graylog2 dependency

- src: lesmyrmidons.mongodb
  version: v1.2.8

- src:
  version: master

# 0.2 is required version to use elasticsearch 2.x
- src: elastic.elasticsearch
  version: "5.5.1"

- src: jdauphant.nginx
  version: master

As written in the requirements.yml file, elasticsearch must be version 2. So we need to use the branch for 0.2 of the role.

Install from requirements.yml

sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


The graylog2 server can be also your ansible-control-machine if you don’t have other, using localhost as node in your inventory as shown below.

Elasticsearch and java version matters

You must ensure to be using elasticsearch 2, and java from openjdk-8, we will cover these steps below, but this note will help you to know and remmember that.

Preparing the inventory

We will setup a group called graylog2_servers with the hosts added to it.

You need to create/edit your inventory to tell ansible which server is on graylog2_servers group.

We will create a folder called inventory and a file called production on it.

file: inventory/production


server1     ansible_host=


In this example I have added server1 to groups location1 and graylog2_servers. Note also I have added ansible_host variable with the IP address of server1, so ansible will use automatically this to connect to the host.

other generic example: example1/inventory/test

Preparing the playbook to run the roles

We will define a playbook to include our roles.

We will prepare a file called roles.graylog2.yml with this definition:

# This --- defines that this yaml file will have 2 spaces for indentation.

# In case you use Ubuntu trusty we will add ppa for java-jdk8
# as noticed on warning above we need to take care of it. 

- name: Add java-jdk-8 ppa for Ubuntu trusty
  hosts: graylog2_servers
  become: yes

  # You can specify a proxy_env var with your proxy settings here
  # check example:
  #environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"

    - name: installing repo for Java 8 in Ubuntu 14.04
      apt_repository: repo='ppa:openjdk-r/ppa'
      when: ansible_distribution_release == 'trusty'

# Now we will apply all roles to our graylog2_servers:

- name: Apply roles for graylog2 servers
  hosts: graylog2_servers
  become: yes

  # You can specify a proxy_env var with your proxy settings here
  # check example:
  #environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"


    - role: lesmyrmidons.mongodb
        - role::mongodb
        - graylog2_servers

    # This step is important as described in waring above
    - role:
      when: ansible_distribution_release == 'trusty'
        - openjdk-8-jdk
        - role::elasticsearch
        - graylog2_servers

    # This step is important as described in waring above
    - role:
      when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_lsb.major_release|int >= 7
        - java-1.8-openjdk
        - role::elasticsearch
        - graylog2_servers

    # ensure you have installed 0.2 branch for elasticsearch 2.x
    - role: elastic.elasticsearch
        - role::elasticsearch
        - graylog2_servers

    - role: jdauphant.nginx
        - role::nginx
        - graylog2_servers

    # Here we will install graylog
    - role: graylog2.graylog
        - role::graylog
        - graylog2_servers

Preparing the variables

We have an inventory and a playbook to call the roles, but we must customize the variables before running the playbook.

Here we will organize the variables files into the group_vars directory:

mkdir -p group_vars/graylog2_servers

Then add a file to have organized the variables for elasticsearch.

group_vars/graylog2_servers/elasticsearch2_vars file:

In this file we will define es cluster, bind address, version, memory, etc.


es_instance_name: 'graylog'
es_scripts: False
es_templates: False
es_version_lock: False
es_heap_size: 1g

# Graylog2.3 supports elasticsearch 5, so must install elasticsearch 5.x
es_major_version: "5.x"
es_version: "5.6.7"

graylog_version: '2.4'
# pin version is broken in: 2.3.0 of ansible_graylog2_role
# hope will be fixed on future, you will need to delete /etc/apt/preferences.d/elasticsearch
# see
graylog_es_debian_pin_version: '5.*'

es_config: { "graylog", "graylog",
  http.port: 9200,
  transport.tcp.port: 9300,, true,
  node.master: true,

# Ensure to add this option if not added elastic.elasticsearch will install openjdk-7 that will break graylog2
es_java_install:               False

Then add a file to have organized the variables for graylog role.

group_vars/graylog2_servers/graylog2_vars file:


# Disable autoinstall of elasticsearch, java, mongodb, etc, as we will use our own playbook to call the roles:
# And ensure correct java version is installed in this way
graylog_install_elasticsearch: False
graylog_install_mongodb:       False
graylog_install_nginx:         False
graylog_install_java:          False

# Basic server settings (seems that this should go per host)
graylog_is_master:          'True'

# generate with: pwgen -s 96 1
graylog_password_secret:    'putyourhashhere'

# generate with: echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256
graylog_root_password_sha2: 'putyourhashhere'

# Elasticsearch message retention
# Specify your retention here
graylog_elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index:    20000000
graylog_elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices: 20
graylog_elasticsearch_shards:                4
graylog_elasticsearch_replicas:              0

graylog_rest_listen_uri:  ''
graylog_web_listen_uri:   ''


    - listen 80
    - server_name graylog
    - location / {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:9000/;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_pass_request_headers on;
      proxy_connect_timeout 150;
      proxy_send_timeout 100;
      proxy_read_timeout 100;
      proxy_buffers 4 32k;
      client_max_body_size 8m;
      client_body_buffer_size 128k; }

# Setup per host on host_vars:
graylog_web_endpoint_uri: 'http://{{ ansible_host }}:9000/api/'

# Optionally for Ubuntu 14.04 you can use:
mongodb_repository: "deb [ arch=amd64 ] trusty/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse"

Not all the variables are required, but I prefer to be explicit on these settings. The documentation of these vars are on the readme of each role, also the defaults used are on the defaults/main.yml file of each role (we are overriding the defaults when assigning the vars on group_vars).

See playbook_variables for more information

Review what’s done until now

We have created:

  • requirements.yml file
  • inventory/production file
  • roles.graylog2.yml file
  • group_vars/graylog2_servers dir with elasticsearch_vars and graylog2_vars files

So, our tree looks:

├── requirements.yml
├── group_vars
│   ├── graylog2_servers
│   │   ├── graylog2_vars
│   │   ├── elasticsearch_vars
├── inventory
│   ├── production
├── roles.graylog2.yml

With this structure we have all required to call our roles with correct parameters. As seen on the roles.graylog2.yml, we have associated the roles to run to graylog2_servers group.

Run the playbook

We will execute here:

ansible-playbook -i inventory roles.graylog2.yml --limit graylog2_servers -u user -k -K --become

To understand some of the parameters used here:

-l SUBSET, --limit=SUBSET
                    further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern
-i PATH, --inventory=PATH
                    The PATH to the inventory hosts file, which defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts. 
-k, --ask-pass
                    Prompt for the SSH password instead of assuming key-based authentication with ssh-agent. 
-K, --ask-sudo-pass
                    Prompt for the password to use for playbook plays that request sudo access, if any. 
-b, --become
                    run operations with become (does not imply password prompting) 
-u USERNAME, --remote-user=USERNAME
                    Use this remote user name on playbook steps that do not indicate a user name to run as. 

As seen on the command, we use -i inventory directory instead of the file, you can change it to point to the file directly.

You can also check ansible-vault to save password.

You can also check variables to use in group_vars/all or some other group using inventory_parameters

Ansible connections are done by default with ssh, you can change them using inventory_parameters and also disable host-key-checking. Create ansible.cfg file on same dir where you run ansible-playbook command and it will read that parameters.

Upgrading Graylog

As ansible role is updated every time graylog is update too (check graylog_version). You only need to update the role installed, ex:

sudo rm -rf /etc/ansible/roles/graylog2.graylog
sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml 

Then run the playbook again.

This will update your graylog repository, for example in my output I have:

TASK [graylog2.graylog : Graylog repository package should be downloaded] ******
changed: [server1] => {"changed": true, "checksum_dest": null, "checksum_src": "ddc77cda9473f6556844c19d68c2c8de05d9dedc", "dest
": "/tmp/graylog_repository.deb", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "md5sum": "df0ded30076548179772cd23bfff869f", "mode": "0644", "msg":
"OK (2056 bytes)", "owner": "root", "size": 2056, "src": "/tmp/tmpjrGQFl", "state": "file", "uid": 0, "url": "https://packages.gra"}

Then just upgrade on your server:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Or with yum:

sudo yum update

If for some reason the role is not updated, you can add to your group_vars/graylog2_servers/graylog2_vars, ex:

graylog_version: 2.2

It should make same effect but without the fixes and improvements added to the role. It’s recommended to update the role, and also check the release notes of both: role and graylog2.

Ensure you are not upgrading elasticsearch to 5.x, to not break graylog. (should not do that if you did all steps in this page)